York-Med Dentistry


In addition to York-Med Dentistry’s hours of operation and address, users may submit inquiries through an online form.

Contact Us

Use the form below to send us an inquiry, and we’ll reach out to you as soon as you can. Please be as detailed as possible. Include what service you are interested in along with any specific requests. You may also email or call us to make an appointment. Our general response time for e-mails is one business day.


☎ Contact

(905) 737-7300


250 Harding Boulevard West, Suite 203, Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 9M7, Canada

Social Media

Office Hours

Monday | 10AM - 6PM

Tuesday | 12PM - 8PM

Wednesday | 8AM - 5PM

Thursday | 8AM - 6PM

Friday | 8AM - 6PM

We are open on two Saturdays and one Sunday each month | 8AM - 6PM


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